Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows in Shoreham | Full Service Aluminium Window Installations in and Around Worthing

Aluminium windows are a popular choice for domestic and commercial properties. They are long-lasting, low maintenance and will not degrade over time. The team at PSA Precision completes aluminium window installations in and around Worthing and Shoreham.

View our gallery and testimonials page to learn more about our previous installations, including composite doors, shutter installations and the uPVC windows and doors we have fitted.


Aluminium Window Installations

At PSA Precision, we can supply high-quality aluminium windows from a variety of popular brands. The types of windows we offer in and around Shoreham and Worthing include:

  • Casement Windows

  • Tilt and Turn Windows

  • Vertical Sliding Windows

  • Bay and Bow Windows

  • A-Rated Windows

Benefits of Aluminium Windows

There are many reasons to choose aluminium installations for your property. A few of the many benefits of aluminium windows include:

  • Easy Maintenance

  • Sustainability

  • Efficiency

  • Aesthetics

Easy Maintenance

In addition to their durability, aluminium windows are easy to maintain. Depending on which finish is chosen, these types of windows will have different maintenance requirements. Typically, all that is needed to keep them in great condition is a simple cleaning of the glass and frames every few months.


Aluminium is a fully sustainable product. It is non-toxic, fully recyclable and only leaves a minor ecological footprint. When aluminium is recycled it does not lose any of its strength. It is the ideal installation for those looking to be more environmentally friendly.


Aluminium installations are designed to retain heat and minimise heat loss. Their thermally efficient features allow clients to keep their properties at a comfortable living environment. They also allow customers to save costs on their energy bills.


With a sleek aesthetic, these windows make an attractive addition to all types of properties in Worthing, Shoreham and all of the surrounding areas. At PSA Precision, we offer gloss or satin finishes. Every aluminium installation is available in all RAL colours to match each client’s personal style. We offer aluminium windows with a choice of double or triple glazing.

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0800 074 0840 01903 235307
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When It Comes To Your Home - Precision Is Everything
For quality aluminium windows in Worthing, Shoreham and all surrounding areas, please call PSA Precision on 01903 235307 or 0800 074 0840 today.